
The Special Rapporteur was struck by the fact that the idea of housing as afundamental right is deeply rooted in Algerian society and that the State considers thequestion of housing to be one of its main responsibilities vis-à-vis the population. Shewelcomes the progress made by the State in implementing the right to adequate housingand notes in particular the construction of a large housing stock for low-incomehouseholds.

Despite the progress achieved, the Special Rapporteur notes that considerableefforts must still be made, in particular to diversify housing policies in accordance with existing needs in the country and to ensure that everyone can benefit from this right without discrimination.

In this report, the Special Rapporteur shows how a democratization of housing policy based on transparency and the direct involvement of citizens and organizations of civil society in the definition and implementation of these policies would constitute a very important step in shifting the focus from housing construction to the actual realization of the right to housing in Algeria.

The Special Rapporteur concludes with a set of recommendations to assist the Government in its efforts to improve the effective enjoyment of the right to adequate housing.

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