Mudanças climáticas

PRESS RELEASE – An ambitious climate change agreement must protect human rights of all, warn UN experts

GENEVA – “It is a matter of human rights,” stated a group of United Nations human rights experts* just before the opening of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference. While there is a growing consensus on the adverse impact that global warming is likely to have on the environment and economic growth, the serious threats it poses to the full enjoyment of a broad range of human rights still need to be properly understood and addressed.

Reports 2009

Thematic reports: Financial crisis, Climate changes

Mission reports: Canada and Preliminary Note Maldives

Comunications report

Climate changes

As alterações climáticas agravadas pelo efeito estufa serão mais severas para as pessoas de baixa renda e moradores de países pobres, pois as favelas e ocupações irregulares costumam se localizar em terrenos mais expostos a desastres ambientais, como deslizamentos de terra e inundações. É necessário desenvolver estratégias de adaptação para os grupos desfavorecidos que vão […]