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Recommendations / Recomendaciones

(English) ((English))We have learned through these consultations that often times, while women’s housing rights are protected in law, they are routinely violated in practice. What recommendations do you have to overcome this obstacle? What more needs to be done? ((Español))Hemos aprendido a través de estas consultas que muchas veces, mientras que los derechos de las mujeres a una vivienda adecuada están protegidos en la ley, son violados de manera rutinaria en la práctica. ¿Qué recomendaciones tienen para superar este obstáculo? ¿Qué más hay que hacer?


5 responses

  1. In the EECA region, there is actually still much need for legislative improvement. I’d say this would be the first task: to harmonise domestic legislation with international human rights standards. There is also not enough information on women’s access to housing and land – so we need data collection, especially data disaggregated by…
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