- Right to housing - http://www.direitoamoradia.fau.usp.br/?lang=en -

In your country, are there bank credit to finance housing for low-income populations? What has been the impact of these programmes on the right to adequate housing for these individuals and communities? How has the recent financial crisis affected these programmes?

Posted by marianapires in 10:51 AM on | 4 Interações

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4 Interações for "In your country, are there bank credit to finance housing for low-income populations? What has been the impact of these programmes on the right to adequate housing for these individuals and communities? How has the recent financial crisis affected these programmes?"

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Printed topic Right to housing: http://www.direitoamoradia.fau.usp.br/?lang=en

Topic URL: http://www.direitoamoradia.fau.usp.br/?pauta=existem-no-seu-pais-programas-de-credito-bancario-para-provisao-de-habitacao-voltados-as-populacoes-mais-pobres-qual-o-impacto-destes-programas-na-garantia-do-direito-a-moradia-adequada-dessas-pessoa&lang=en

URLs in this post:

[1] : http://www.redebrasilatual.com.br/temas/internacional/2012/06/argentina-segue-brasil-e-lanca-minha-casa-minha-vida-como-arma-contra-a-crise

[2] : http://www.lanacion.com.ar//1481623-lanzan-un-nuevo-megaplan-de-creditos-para-viviendas?utm_source=n_tis_nota2&utm_medium=titularS&utm_campaign=NLPol