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Bienvenido a la plataforma de debate de la Relatora Especial de Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho a una Vivienda Adecuada

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(English) What impact does the promotion of sports mega-events, like the Olympics or the World Cup, cause on the right to housing in cities?

(English) We will publish in the next months an informative material on mega-events and right to housing, then we decided to open this topic of discussion for you to share your opinion and experiences on the issue. You can also send documents, studies, articles, news stories and reports.


2 responses

  1. Hi everyone!

    There is very good video documentary on the Commonwealth Games impacts in New Delhi. The games were hosted in 2010, and the right do adequate housing violations were quite intense.

    The link to the video is here:

    Does anyone have something similar in a different host city…

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