
Between May 30 and June 11, 2013, the Special Rapporteur conducted her first official visit to Indonesia to collect first-hand information on the progressive realization of the right to adequate housing in the country, particularly with regard to the poor and other marginalized groups.

The Special Rapporteur devoted specific attention to Government’s efforts to promote access to affordable housing for low income households, and to programmes to increase tenure security. The independent human rights expert, who went to Indonesia at the invitation of the Government, visited communities in Jakarta as well as in other provinces during her two-week mission.

To read the press release from the beginning of the mission, click here. Read also the preliminary observations of the Rapporteur of the end of the mission. The photos of the mission are available here.

The mission report was presented at the UN Human Rights Council on March 10, 2014. To read it, click on the green button below.

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