
The Special Rapporteur Raquel Rolnik visited Argentina, at the invitation of the country’s government, between April 10th and 21st, 2011. The objective of the visit was to examine the current situation of the right to adequate housing in that country. In her report, Rolnik presents the conclusions of her visit, as well as her recommendations to the government of Argentina.

The Rapporteur saw the reactivation of national housing policies in 2003 in a positive light, as was the case with the national government’s engagement in consolidating housing as a responsibility of the State and, therefore, an object of important budget investment.

However, several factors currently hinder an effective right to adequate housing in Argentina, mainly: the lack of regulation of the land and soil market, the lack of federative coordination in the formulation and establishment of housing policies, a regulator for evictions that does not guarantee a legal process and the lack of sufficiently diversified integral habitat policies to offer long-term solutions to specific housing needs in the country.

Therefore, the Special Rapporteur formulated a series of recommendations related to five priority themes: fragility of the current housing and soil policies; informal settlements; evictions and situations that are specific to the indigenous people and migrating populations. Raquel Rolnik considers that, taking into consideration the normative and financial investment advances in housing, including the economic growth of recent years, Argentina finds itself in full conditions to mobilize and establish a social-territorial pact for the implementation of the right to adequate housing for all its inhabitants.

To read the statement made by the Rapporteur to the government and press at the end of the mission, click here (in Spanish).

To read the mission press release, click here.

To read the official report in English, click below.

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