The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing’s system for collaboration and discussion is an interactive environment for the exchange of experiences, information and documents about the right to housing all over the world.
It enables, through collective debate, to think about the challenges and priorities for the implementation of the right to housing in each region of the globe, through debates promoted regionally, in Portuguese, Spanish or English.
The result of these talks will be used in the elaboration of Theme Reports and in the elaboration of material for promotion of the right to housing, like Guides, Brochures and others, produced by the Rapporteur.
Who can participate
Any person or organisation concerned about themes connected to the right to housing world over may participate in the virtual debate platform on the right to adequate housing.
Why participate
Participating in this network means:
● Contributing with the formulation of theme reports by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing;
● Making visible the regional and specific struggles through a legitimate UN channel;
● The possibility of learning about other experiences and articulating with them;
● The chance to participate in the formulation of material for promotion of the Right to Adequate Housing.
How to participate
● Any person may register on the system and will automatically have permission to:
● Make comments on the themes proposed;
● Share experiences, reports and complaints about the several topics covered;
● Publicise documents, regional legislation and other material;
● Contribute to comprehension of the concept of the right to adequate housing from the point of view of women in several parts of the world;
● Make available further information that may contribute to production of the report and of other promotion material.
How does interaction in the system work
Creation of a topic for discussion:
● For creation of the debate it is necessary to choose the region, the language, define the title, insert a description and insert the key words of the proposed discussion;
● The discussion will be for a pre-determined period that may be extended or shortened.
Participation in the debate
● Once the debate has been established, all users may insert comments on the matter, formulate proposals and share files that may contribute to the debate;
● Furthermore, users may make comments connected to or referring to other comments.
● Users will be allowed to comment on debates of several regions;
● The system allows for the discussion to be taken to voting whenever desired.
● Once the time for comments and formulation of proposals is up, there will be a pre-determined span for systematisation of proposals and for putting them to a vote;
● In the voting process, all users may vote on proposals, so that priorities may be defined;
● Once defined, the votes on each proposal will be tallied.
● Once the process is concluded, there will be a page showing the history of the discussion and the proportion of votes to each one of the proposals.