Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council

Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council

Adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequatestandard of living, in the context of mega-events

Human Rights Council / Thirteenth session / Agenda item 3


The Human Rights Council,

Recalling all previous resolutions on adequate housing of the Council and theCommission on Human Rights, in particular Council resolution 6/27 of 14 December 2007and Commission resolution 2004/28 of 16 April 2004,

Reaffirming that international human rights law instruments, including theInternational Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights, entail obligations and commitments of States parties inrelation to access to adequate housing,

Recalling the principles and commitments with regard to adequate housingenshrined in the relevant provisions of declarations and programmes adopted by majorUnited Nations conferences and summits and at special sessions of the General Assemblyand by their follow-up meetings, inter alia, the Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlementsand the Habitat Agenda (A/CONF.165/14), and the Declaration on Cities and Other HumanSettlements in the New Millennium adopted at the twenty-fifth special session of theAssembly, and annexed to its resolution S-25/2 of 9 June 2001,

Noting the work of the United Nations treaty bodies, in particular the Committee onEconomic, Social and Cultural Rights, in the promotion of the rights related to adequatehousing, including its general comments Nos. 4, 7, 9 and 16,

Concerned that any deterioration in the general housing situation disproportionallyaffects persons living in conditions of poverty, low-income earners, women, children,persons belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples, migrants, the elderly and personswith disabilities,

Recognizing that “mega-events”, that is, large-scale events of limited duration anddiverse nature, including major international sporting or cultural events, can provide amajor opportunity to enhance the housing stock and to improve the related infrastructure inhost countries,

1. Acknowledges with appreciation the work of the Special Rapporteur onadequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on theright to non-discrimination in this context, including the undertaking of country missions;

2. Acknowledges the Special Rapporteur’s annual report on the realization of theright to adequate housing in the context of mega-events (A/HRC/13/20);

3. Calls upon States, in the context of mega-events, to promote the right toadequate housing and to create a sustainable, development-oriented housing legacy, and tostrive in this regard:

(a) To integrate housing concerns into the bidding and planning process at anearly stage and, in this regard, to assess the impact on the affected population throughoutthe process, as appropriate;

(b) To ensure full transparency of the planning and implementation process andthe meaningful participation of the affected local communities therein;

(c) To pay particular attention to persons belonging to vulnerable andmarginalized groups, including by respecting the principles of non-discrimination andgender equality

(d) To plan and develop the event venues with the post-event period in view,while taking into account the needs of socially disadvantaged persons for affordablehousing;

(e) To ensure, consistent with the domestic legal framework and internationalhuman rights obligations, that the right to adequate housing of affected persons in thecontext of mega-events is respected, while giving due consideration to issues such asinsecurity of tenure;

(f) To explore alternatives to evictions and to undertake any such evictions asmay be necessary in accordance with the domestic legal framework and in full compliancewith the relevant provisions of international human rights law, including those for adequateand effective remedies;

4. Encourages States to share with the Special Rapporteur good practices withregard to the realization of the right to adequate housing in the context of mega-events;

5. Requests the Special Rapporteur to consider, as appropriate, the issue ofmega-events in the context of her work;

6. Notes with appreciation the cooperation extended to date to the SpecialRapporteur by different actors, and calls upon States to continue to cooperate with theSpecial Rapporteur in the discharge of her mandate and to respond favourably to herrequests for information and visits;

7. Requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights tocontinue to ensure that the Special Rapporteur receives the necessary resources to enableher to discharge her mandate fully;

8. Decides to continue its consideration of this matter under the same agendaitem and in accordance with its programme of work.

42nd meeting

25 March 2010

[Adopted without a vote]


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