(English) Questionnaire on security of tenure for the civil society

(English) This questionnaire is designed primarily to obtain information from civil society organizations, academics, experts and others  for the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing’s ongoing study on security of tenure for urban poor and the most vulnerable, including questions related to informal settlements.

The Special Rapporteur will present specific guidance on these issues in her final report to the Human Rights Council, next year. This questionnaire will also inform the Special Rapporteur’s report to the General Assembly’s 68th session. Her report will focus on policies and programmes aimed at promoting forms of tenure other than individual freehold (such as rental and communal forms of tenure, including, for example, subsidies for rental housing construction).

The Special Rapporteur is particularly interested in learning about practices that secure tenure for urban poor.

When answering, please identify, and where possible provide copies or weblink of any law, regulation, policy, programme, and document that support your answers to this questionnaire.

Due to limited capacity for translation, we kindly request that you submit your answers in English, Spanish, French or Portuguese, and submit the responses no later than 3 June 2013.

Responses should be sent preferably via the email tenureproject@ohchr.org. Another way to contribute is through our virtual plarform.

To read the questions, click on the green button below.

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