Report on Security of Tenure will be presented on March – Newsletter #31

On March 4th, Special Rapporteur Raquel Rolnik will present her first thematic report on security of tenure at the 22nd session of the UN Human Rights Council. This report is part of a broader study which is being developed by the Rapporteur since last year and will only be finished in 2014. In the occasion, the Rapporteur will also present three mission reports: Israel and Palestine; Rwanda; and World Bank. Moreover, a mission to the United Kingdom has been confirmed for this year. The official visit will take place from 2 to 16 of September.

* Report on Security of Tenure
This report, which will be presented on March 4th, maps existing tenure systems around the world and their relation with the right to adequate housing. It also presents policies and practices related to providing security of tenure among other points. Learn more.

* Study on Security of Tenure
To learn more about the study the Rapporteur is developing on security of tenure and its next steps, read the infonote. Click here.

* Mission Reports
The final reports on the missions to Israel and Palestine; Rwanda; and World Bank will be presented to the Human Rights Council on March 4th. To know more on each mission and read the report, click here: Israel and PalestineRwanda; World Bank.

* Mission to the United Kingdom
Annually, the Rapporteur conducts two official visits to countries in order to learn the situation on right to housing and to dialogue with governmental and non-governmental organizations involved in the issue. In 2013, a mission to the United Kingdom has already been confirmed and will take place from 2 to 16 of September. We will soon provide further information.


This newsletter is a project of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing and it does not contain official information. Rapporteur (from May 2008): Raquel Rolnik
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