(English) Take Back the Land Madison video on housing liberation

(English) July 2nd, 2012

Below are links to videos from Take Back the Land Madison, documenting a housing liberation of a vacant foreclosed Bank of America home.

The duplex was liberated 9 months ago and has served as a home for a total of 11 adults and 7 children, some of whom have saved up enough money to move out and rent their own place.  Bank of America will be making attempts to move the remaining people out in August and we are getting ready for the struggle.

We are demanding they turn the home over to a Community Land Trust so it can be used as affordable housing rather than kick people out.  We feel they have foreclosed on enough people unjustly, done enough predatory lending, and gotten enough of our tax payer dollars through ongoing bailouts that this is public housing and should be owned by the community.

The Leadership Committee of the Take Back the Movement congratulates Take Back the Land Madison on exercising the right self determination. “Housing is a Human Right”!

This is a video of an action at Bank of America back in March where some of the residents of the house and other supporters brought a message to the local branch.


Source: Take back the land Madison, by e-mail

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