(English) Free Webinar on the Rise of Tent Cities in the United States

(English) April 17th, 2012

On Wednesday, May 2, the Law Center will host a free webinar previewing its upcoming report, “Welcome Home: The Rise of Tent Cities in the United States.”

With homelessness and poverty at record levels, there have been increasing reports of homeless encampments emerging in virtually every state in the country.

The response of municipalities has varied. Some have shut down camps, often arresting residents and destroying their property. Others have regularized the camps, allowing residents to build more permanent structures in place of tents. And some, commendably, have chosen to address the underlying issue – lack of housing – by helping residents access supportive housing.

The Law Center has partnered with the Allard K. Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic at Yale Law School to produce a report examining a few representative tent cities, with the goal of shedding light on why the camps exist, sharing stories of their residents, and demonstrating common ways communities have responded to the trend. The report also identifies the major human rights implications of forced evictions and offers best practices for municipalities.

To register for the webinar go here: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/901202386

About the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty

The Law Center is the only national legal advocacy organization dedicated to ending and preventing homelessness in America.  It fights in the halls of power for laws and policies that protect homeless people’s rights and help them rise out of poverty (www.nlchp.org).


Source: OC Homeless


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