The right to housing in practice

Learn about concrete initiatives of governments, organisations of the civil society and of citizens themselves that implemented the right to housing. Here you find examples of initiatives in the legal area, as well as housing projects, policies and programs that, in practice, concretised this right. If you know of other examples, share them in this space. For that purpose, contact the Rapporteur, sending information for publication in this section.

South African Constitutional Court affirms tenants’ rights to challenge excessive rents

The South African Constitutional Court issued a groundbreaking decision on this case, brought by ESCR-Net member SERI (South Africa), affirming the rights of tenants to challenge excessive rents and unfair lease terminations. The Court found that the Rental Housing Act forbid private landlords or tenants from engaging in unfair practices, and determined that the term “unfair practice” must be interpreted in light of the right of access to adequate housing contained in the South African Constitution.

Fife rulings could have national implications for future of ‘bedroom tax’

In a statement that could have nationwide implications, Simon Collins has ruled dimensions do matter when it comes to defining a bedroom. The ruling could open the floodgates for appeals by thousands of tenants affected by the new legislation.

Brothers’ win blows a hole in bedroom tax benefit cuts

In a ruling that could open the floodgates for thousands to challenge the under-occupancy legislation, a tribunal found that David Nelson’s spare room was too small to be a bedroom.

Tenant wins appeal against the bedroom tax

Annie Harrower-Gray had her appeal against Fife Council’s decision to cut her benefit upheld by a first-tier tribunal in Scotland following a hearing on 26 August.