The right to housing in practice

Learn about concrete initiatives of governments, organisations of the civil society and of citizens themselves that implemented the right to housing. Here you find examples of initiatives in the legal area, as well as housing projects, policies and programs that, in practice, concretised this right. If you know of other examples, share them in this space. For that purpose, contact the Rapporteur, sending information for publication in this section.

Council approves bill to aid homeless youth in Washington

The homeless youth measure, among other things, allocates city funds for expanding existing homeless facilities, including shelters, to include additional beds for “youth who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning.” It also requires service providers to put in place “best practices for the culturally competent care of homeless youth” who identify as LGBT or questioning.

Romanian court victory: Forced eviction of Roma in Cluj-Napoca illegal

The Cluj-Napoca County Court (Tribunal) decided that the Mayor’s decision to forcibly evict around 300 Roma in December 2010, to a site adjacent to a waste dump, was illegal.

Positive obligations in housing rights in Portugal

Collective complaint under the Revised European Social Charter by the European Roma Rights Center, alleging violations of the right of the family to social, legal and economic protec­tion (Article 16), the right to protection against poverty and social exclusion(Article 30), the right to adequate housing (Article 31) and the non-discrimination clause (E). European Social Charter. CESCR. CERD.

Fife rulings could have national implications for future of ‘bedroom tax’

In a statement that could have nationwide implications, Simon Collins has ruled dimensions do matter when it comes to defining a bedroom. The ruling could open the floodgates for appeals by thousands of tenants affected by the new legislation.