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Olá a todos(as)! Meu nome é Joyce Reis, sou mestranda em Planejamento Urbano na FAUUSP, trabalho na equipe de pesquisa coordenada pela professora Raquel Rolnik e colaboro com a equipe de apoio à Relatoria da ONU para o Direito à Moradia Adequada.
Hello Narmeen, welcome to the platform! We rely on the cooperation of people like you! Please, visit the topics, see the discussions and give us your comments about the process and the system! You can help in this construction! Don’t hesitate in contact us! Welcome again!
Hello Salwa!! It is great that you have found the way to post! Sorry about the difficulty! we area working to solve the problems! Welcome to the platform!
I am architect and urban planner. This year I have started the Master in the University of Sao Paulo, in Urban Plan. I have worked with Ms Rolnik since 2007, in academic research and in the support team of Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing (in Brazil). I was engaged in the development of the first Project of the support team…
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